Attached is the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s official document on the pledge to reconcile with Canada’s first people’s. As someone who has felt like a visitor most of my life, having moved from city to city, and province to province, I didn’t have much to call home other than the wonderful land of Shuswap Lake within Secwépmcúl’ecw. An appreciation that I hold for this land over 60 years with my family only drives me to appreciate the ancient history of this land well beyond that. The Calls to Action shown here are the goals set out in order to achieve Truth and Reconciliation. This is at the forefront of humanistic values, and values I hold dear. Many of us are visitors to this wonderful land, but we have to acknowledge and work to heal together on the atrocities these lands have historically seen, and how we move forward stronger from these events into a brighter future.